Friday, January 25, 2013

Robinson English 10--Friday January 25

Objectives: What is the Bystander Effect and how do we combat it?  How do you find needed information in an article?

In class today, we...
  • Read a Wikipedia article on "The Bystander Effect"
  • Watched a clip from Speak
  • Wrote a Journal entry
  • Peer edited our definitions from last time
  • Started the Sources Section of our final project
  • Homework: read pages 133-153 from Speak; do the reading questions; find an article about your topic online and bring a quote from it to class
If you were absent today, then...

  • Check your definition to make sure it has all the parts it needs (blue sheet on top of the journal shelf)
  • Start your sources section (see final assignment sheet)
  • Do the homework

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

B6 English 10--Wednesday, January 23

Objective: How do friendship silences affect us? How do they affect Melinda?

1- Read discuss Bullying Article
2-Bully clip--kid with red hair
3- Journal Entry--Write about an experience you've had with bullying. It can be an experience you've had, witness, or heard about.
4-"Speak" Clip--pep rally
5-Write a letter to your principal where you explain what is happening to Melinda AND how bullying negatively affects her.

Homework: Read pages 91-111 and complete reading questions-- NO NOTE CARD

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday January 22nd--English 11 Honors

Objectives: Which culture had power in the Neoclassical Period? How did the Romantics respond?  What about today?

Today in class, we...
  • Filled out "The Tyger" forms sheet
  • 4 corners activity
  • Neoclassics vs. Romantics chart
  • Blake's "The Little Black Boy" and "The Chimney Sweeper"
  • Final Assignment
  • Homework: Finish final assignment
If you were absent today, then...
  • Copy notes from a classmate to fill in the forms sheet and Neoclassics vs Romantics chart 
  • Do the homework 

Friday, January 18, 2013

B6 English 10--Friday, January 18

Objective: How do Family Silences affect us? How do they affect Melinda?

1- Pair/Share Silence Cards
2-youtube clip--the effect of divorce on teens
3-Journal write--write about a time you've experienced Family Silence
4-"Speak" clip--principal's office
5-Group Activity-- A poem for two voices

homework: Read pages 67-91 and complete questions and note card.

If you were absent:
Create a 20-line two-voice poem.  To do this, read pages 113-116 in the book and pick 2 characters from Melinda's family.  Then take a sheet of paper and fold it in half hotdog style.  You should have two columns.  Write the name of each character at the top of the column.  Now write a poem in which the two characters in Melinda's family talk about the conflict between them that you see in the scene you read.  For an example of a two-voice poem, see this link:

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Honors 11--Thursday, January 17

Objectives : What did the Neoclassics think made you a genius?  The Romantics?

In class today, we
  • Read some poems aloud from last time.
  • Worked on our Neoclassics vs. Romantics chart
  • Watched a film clip from The Life of Pi
  • Read William Blake's "The Tyger"
  • Introduced the Final Assignment, due next Thursday
  • Homework: Start your final assignment

If you were absent today, then...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Robinson English 10--Wednesday, January 16

Objective: How do Family Silences affect us? How do Family Silences affect Melinda?

1- Watch youtube clip--The effects of Divorce on Teens
2-Journal Entry--Write about a time you've experienced Family Silence
3-Clip from "Speak"--Talk about how this shows family silence
4-Group Activity--A Poem for two voices

Homework: Read pages 67-91 and complete one note card and reading questions.

If you were absent, then...

  • Create a 20-line two-voice poem.  To do this, read pages 113-116 in the book and pick 2 characters from Melinda's family.  Then take a sheet of paper and fold it in half hotdog style.  You should have two columns.  Write the name of each character at the top of the column.  Now write a poem in which the two characters in Melinda's family talk about the conflict between them that you see in the scene you read.  For an example of a two-voice poem, see this link:
  • Do the homework. 

B6 English 10--Wednesday, January 16

Objective: What is self-silence? How does it affect us and Melinda?

1- Read/Discuss the article. click on link below for article
Students take time to answer questions, but then answer how these questions also apply to Melinda using specific examples from the book.
2-Pin up flash cards
3- Talk about the closet--watch clip showing what it looks like. How is her environment symbolic of how Melinda sees herself?
4-Journal Write--What is self? What makes you you?
5- Group Activity--Silencing the self (Melinda).
  • class brainstorm--list things that make up "ourselves"
  • Get into small groups
  • Read section from book
  • create a visual based on how your paragraph shows Melinda to be self-silent?
  • Cover Melinda (the girl we drew on the board) with the pictures

6- Read the last 20 minutes of class

Homework: Read pages 42-67 and complete reading questions and flashcards--click on link below for your reading questions.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Honors 11--Tuesday January 15

Today in class, we...
  • Watched a clip from Stardust
  • Filled in more of the Neoclassics vs Romantics chart
  • Looked at quotes from the Romantics
  • Created a Forms chart on page 26 of the poetry packet 
  • Analyzed "Ode on Melancholy," "They say that Hope is happiness," and "The World Is Too Much with Us" in groups. 
  • Homework: Write a 12-line poem promoting emotion as a way to learn.  In your poem, use either the same poetic form as the poet you studied today, or use 2 vocabulary words from the poem you studied today, or 1 allusion from it.  It does not need to rhyme.
If you were absent today, then... 
  • Copy notes from the Neoclassics vs Romantics chart from a classmate
  • Copy the Forms chart from a classmate
  • Read through "The World Is Too Much with Us" on page 36 of your packet.  Read through it once aloud and then again for meaning.  Write in the margin a summary of what Wordsworth is saying.  Then, at the bottom of the page, write down the poetic form (hint: there are 14 lines).  Also write down 3 vocabulary words you learned from it and what they mean.  And thirdly, write down 2 allusions from the poem.
  • Do the homework.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Robinson English10--Monday, January 14th

Objective: What is self-silence? How does it affect Melinda/us?

1- read an article about depression and answered some questions/discussed.

2- Journal Write-- What makes you who you are? Write about something that you feel makes you unique, that makes you you?

You can write about things you do, where you're from, things you like and dislike, things you own or wear, people you know, or anything else that you feel makes up your identity.

3-Watch clip from "Speak." Look at the closet and discuss what type of place that is--if students think that's healthy? Why students think she's hiding there?

4- Group Activity--Silencing the self.

Homework: Read pages 42-67 and complete reading questions and flashcards.  If you need the reading questions from this section, click on link below:

If you were absent: Click on link below

B6--English 1--Monday, January 14

How do I identify "school silence?"

1- Watch/Discuss a clip about Divergent Thinking.
2- Journal Write--write down a type of school silence that you have experienced.
3- Pin up Flash cards
4-"Speak" Film class-- Mr. Freeman's Art class. Discuss how he encourages Divergent Thinking.
5- Group Project--PROTEST SIGNS!!! Students had to find examples of school silences in the novel (pp 3-22) and then create a protest sign. If you were absent, you will have to create three signs to make this up.

Homework: Read pages 22-42 and answer questions. Also complete another note card looking for your specific type of silence.

If you were absent you will need to complete the protest signs and click on the link below for the reading questions.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Honors 11--Friday, January 11

Today we went to the counseling presentation.

Complete the following essay...typed of course!!! Due Tuesday, January 15

What is one of the most difficult things you have ever done or experience? What made it difficult and what did you learn? (350 word requirement-- give or take 20 words)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Robinson English 10--Thursday, January 10

Objective: What are some types of silence from the text?

1- Turned in homework
2- Watched "Divergent Thinking" and discussed how this is happening in school.
3- Journal Write--Answer the following question in your journal: Write about a type of school silence that you have experienced.
4- Students took a few minutes to pin up their note cards
5- Watched and discussed a clip from the movie Speak
6- Group Activity-- Come up with a school silence that you would like to protest. Each group must make 3-4 protest signs.


 Read pages 22-42 of Speak and complete one note card.

Also complete these reading questions:
1. What is Melinda's Goal?
2. Where does Melinda feel is the "perfect place" for her?
3. What did Melinda do over the summer that's made everyone so angry with her at the pep rally?
4. How does Melinda react to her mother's "death voice?"
5. What do Melinda's classmates start calling her in Spanish class?

B6 English 10--Thursday, January 10

Objective: How do I identify the different types of silence?
Four types are:
  • family silence
  • friendship silence
  • school silence
  • self silence
1- Each student checked out his or her own copy of Speak which they will take home and bring back to class each day.

2- Watch the opening scene from the movie Speak to identify types of silence that you saw in this clip.
3- Defined the four types of silence--
  • Self Silence--The absence of emotion, confidence, love, respect, feelings, 
  • Family Silence--The absence of concern, support, belonging, care, fun
  • Friend Silence--The absence of friends, companionship, trust, communication, belonging
  • Family Silence--The absence of knowledge, equality, respect, confidence 
Next, Students spent time categorizing examples into the specific type of silence.

4- Reviewed how to do the homework--Read pages 3-22 and complete reading questions. Remember to use specific quotes from the text.  Also complete note card.  See example below for specific instructions.

How to do a Note Card?
 1- Find an example of your specific type of silence (each student was assigned one of the four types in class)
2- Follow the correct format.
3- Write out the quote from the book with the page number.
4- Write 2-3 sentences that explains why that quote is an example of your type of silence.

Homework: See link above for extra directions

Read pages 3-22 of the book speak and complete reading questions

Also complete 1 note card.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Honors 11--Wednesday, January 9th

Objective: What did the Romantics value as opposed to the Neoclassic's emphasis on high culture?

1- Checked homework/Students shared their own Expostulations and Reply with the class. By doing so, students were able to fill out chart on page 32 explaining what our society values. We realized that we value Multiple Intelligences.
2-Looked at AP Booklist and then rewrote it to better suit our needs/passions/preferences.
3- Introduce Samuel Taylor Coleridge the poet
4- Read "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"

Homework: None

Robinson English 10--Tuesday, January 9

Objective: What are the four types of silence?

1- Watched a clip from the movie "Speak" and discussed how that specific clip shows silence?
2- Graphic Organizer--Students worked in small groups to complete the graphic organizer for the four types of silence. Family, Friendship, School, and Self. Then we discussed the four types as a class.
3- Each student checked out a copy of the book "Speak"
4- Reviewed the Note Card assignment. Each student was assigned one of the four types of silence. As they read the homework, they must look for one example of their type of silence.

Notice that the note card must include your name, type of silence, and page numbers for assigned reading along the top.

Then you must include the direct quote from the book with the page number.

Then you must explain why that quote is an example of your type of silence.

5- Started reading pages 3-22. Mrs. Robinson went over the reading questions.

Homework:Read "Speak" pages 3-22 and complete note card and reading questions. (click link below for reading questions) Remember that the questions MUST be answered with a direct quote from the text. You can't just write the answer. You actually have to write the exact sentence from the book that answers that question.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

B6 English 10--Tuesday, January 8

Objective: What are some of the meanings of silence? How does silence affect us?

1- Mrs. Jaynes read a short story to you from the book "When Women Were Birds." Students listened for the main idea and then answered the following three questions:
  • What happened to the Narrator's Mother?
  • Why do you think the journals are empty?
  • What do you think the following quote means? "I kept expecting Mother to appear. Her absence became her presence."
2- Looked at Mrs. Jaynes powerpoint "Defining Silence"--click on link below to see powerpoint

The first time we looked at the photos, we noticed just what was there. However, when we looked at the pair of pictures, we noticed the things missing because we can see they were once there.

3- We read the poem "Silence" by Thomas Hood.

The definition of silence-- silence is the absence of something that was once present, or of something that should be present.

4- Students wrote their own example of this kind of silence (the absence of something) in their journals. Examples:
  • silence of chocolate--I would write about how I used to really enjoy chocolate, but since adopting a more healthy lifestyle, I am no longer eating it. So I miss it- it was once there, but it's now gone.
  • silence of a friend--I had a best friend last year who has recently moved away. I now feel her absence. I am experiencing a silence of her.
5-Book Talk Share--Students wrote Book Talks last period. They will now share those with small groups in the class.

Homework: None

Monday, January 7, 2013

Honors 11--Monday, January 7

Objective: What types of intelligence did they value in the 1700's? How did the Romantics respond?

1- Neoclassical Professor guest lecture--Student acting out in the classroom. Discovered that the Neo-Classicists valued Greek, Latin, and Classic Literature. They looked down on English and thought everyone should study classic literature.
2- Took notes on the Neo-classics Vs. Romantics-- See classmate for notes
3- Look at pictures of William Wordsworth in a powerpoint-- Introduce the Romantics
4- Read "Expostulation and Reply" from packet--read as a class--the two sides of the room read the poem to each other.
5- Group Write-- write your own "Expostulation" (12 lines)  based on our day. You can mimic Wordsworth's style, rhyme scheme etc. You don't have to make it rhyme if you don't want to.

Homework: Write a reply to the group "Expostulation." Must be 16 lines. Focus on what you value. You can even use ideas from your own free-write you completed last class period.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Robinson--English 10 Friday, Janurary 4th

Objective: What are some of the meanings of silence? How does silence affect us?

1- Today we met Miss Robinson. She is a BYU student who is working with Mrs. Jaynes.
2-Discussed the importance of respect--reviewed the social contract students signed at the beginning of the year.
3- Read a short story called "When Women Were Birds."--discussed the idea of silence.
4- Each student wrote a journal entry about when they have experienced silence.
5- Powerpoint--we looked at various pictures and broadened our definition of silence.
 READ the Poem "Silence" by Thomas Hood

Silence is the absence of something that was once present or should be present.

Homework: None

B6 English 10--Friday, January 4

Objective-- How can I get others interested in the books I read?

1- Watched two movie trailers: Hobbit and The Host. We used these two trailers to analyze how trailers get us interested in seeing those films without giving EVERYTHING away.

2- Students went to the writing lab to create their own Book Talk. See link below for specific assignment.

Homework: If you didn't finish your Book Talk in class, complete both the written assignment and the visual by next time.
Come prepared to present your Book Talk to your classmates.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Honors 11--Thursday, January 3

Objective: What types of Intelligences does society value and what types should they value?

1- Discussed Respect and how it applies to this classroom. The three types are
  • respect for each other
  • Miss Robinson's respect for students
  • Students' respect for Miss Robinson
2-Played "Who's Smarter Game"-- Students rated who was smarter based on careers. Example Concert Pianist vs.Basketball player. etc. We figured out that school emphasizes intelligence in Math, Science, English, and History, but is quick to overlook Art, Music, etc.

3-Watched Video introducing the Romantic Poets and how they perceived intelligence. We learned that they think many things constitute intelligence...not just Math and Science.

4- Handed out Poetry Packet-- See Miss Robinson for packet. This is considered your text for the unit. Bring it to class EVERY period.

5- Answered the following question on page 41 in packet. Write about something you enjoy doing outside of school that isn't valued in school or you don't get credit for. You can also focus on an elective at school you enjoy, but know isn't appreciated.

6-Multiple Intelligence Pie Chart-- see student in class to copy notes and put these notes on page 40 of the packet.

7- Got to know students' names.

Homework: None

If you were absent-- Complete the question on page 41 (see above) and get notes from a classmate about the Multiple Intelligences.

English 10--Wednesday, December 19

Objective--Why did the Author write this book?

1- Students finished watching the movie
2- Students completed the following handout--this is the final assignment for the unit. If you were absent, just know that this is based on inference. You are pretending to interview him which means there is no right answer. Use what you know about the play to answer these questions. This is considered your "TEST" so do your best work.

Homework: None--Have a Lovely Christmas

Honors 11--Tuesday, December 18

Lord of the Flies Final Exam--

Students took an in class essay test--

If you were absent, come see me and you can make this up.

No Homework over the break

English 10--Monday, December 17

Continued watching the movie "Twelve Angry Men"

Honors 11--Friday, December 14

Call In Radio Show--

Objective--How does acting out these characters help each student better understand the characters' motives, thoughts, downfalls, etc. Also how does this support the theme?

Students came to class prepared with interview questions for each character. Our class became a call-in Radio Show where some students acted as the characters while others acted as callers from home. Through asking questions and answering them as each character would, students better understood the complexities of the novel.

Homework: Prepare for test by reviewing themes, symbols, setting, characters, etc.