Wednesday, October 31, 2012

English 10--Wednesday, October 31

How do I write a thesis statement?

1- Reviewed Intro paragraph.
2- Discussed Thesis Statements using the following handout:

3-Watched a clip of "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and practiced writing both closed and open thesis statements.

Homework: Be safe!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

11 Honors--Tuesday, October 30

Continue preparing for scenes from Macbeth

Students spent the class preparing for their scene which they will act out next time in class. Students will be graded using the following rubric:

Prepare for scenes--due Thursday, November 1
Write paper--due Monday, November 5

Monday, October 29, 2012

English 10--Monday, October 29

Objective: Understand the Introduction Paragraph once and for all!

1- Review introduction paragraph by looking at my prezi reviewing the Introduction paragraph
2- Students practiced by writing an intro paragraph in class
3- Practiced debating a topic--reviewing how to write a concession
4- Played partner game- students had to read 12 sentences and formulate three intro paragraphs looking for key words like although, should/shouldn't, hooks, etc.

Homework: None

Honors 11--Friday, October 26

Objective: Meet with groups and prepare scenes for Macbeth

Students have two days to prepare costumes, dialogue, scenery, action, props, etc. for their group scene of Macbeth. They will be presenting these groups on Thursday, November 1

Question Packet is due on Tuesday, October 30
Paper Outline is due October 30

See details, examples below

English 10--Thursday, October 25

Objective: Practice the Introduction Paragraph--

Students went to the writing lab to perfect the introduction paragraph.
They had to write 5 intro paragraphs using 5 prompts. See assignment below:

Homework: Finish that assignment if not completed in class

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Honors 11--Wednesday, October 24

Objective: How do I structure an analysis?

1- Review how to write a paper.
2- Go over expectations for play.

See link below for instructions on paper and outline

3- Worked on questions/outline

1- Finish Questions due Tuesday, October 30
2- Outline due Tuesday, October 30

Upcoming dates to know:
Friday and Tuesday (October 26 &30) prepare for scenes
Thursday November 1--Act on scenes
Monday, November 5--Socratic Seminar--PAPER DUE!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

English 10--Tuesday, October 23

Objective: How does organization make me a better writer?--Learn the introduction paragraph.

1- Object Lesson- Origami rabbits-- understand why the order we present things matters
2-brainstorm/discuss/debate whether or not small communities should fund libraries.
3- Go through the steps of an introduction paragraph.

1- Hook- Grab your reader's attention
2- Background Information- restate/explain the prompt. Create a context for your reader. Explain what has prompted this discussion.
3-Concession--acknowledge the other side's argument Although.............................
4- Thesis- your point, your argument, We should/should not....................................

See link below for prompts and notes from today

Homework: None

Monday, October 22, 2012

Honors 11--Monday, October 22

Objective: Continue understanding/analyzing Macbeth

1- Turn in ACT IV response and ACT III group questions

2- Finish reading the Play. Students will follow along with the graphic novel while watching the film. They should finish their questions as they read.

Homework: No Homework-- but students questions/answers need to be complete by the end of class on Wednesday. There will be a little bit of time in class, but they should work on this if they are behind.

Friday, October 19, 2012

English 10--Friday, October 19

Objective: How do I use logic to structure my argument?

1-Read for the first 20 minutes of class
2- Turned in homework-- worth 20 points. Discussed the answer to "Little Miss Hijacker"
3- Completed the strategy game "Who Should Survive?"

Homework: Finish "Who Should Survive?"

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Honors 11--Thursday, October 18

Objective: Continue Understanding Macbeth
REMINDER-- all late work, quizzes, make-up quizzes need to be done by Friay, October 19 at 2:45.
1- ACT Quiz #4--covering concepts 1-5
2- Watch ACT III and IV of Macbeth

Homework: Due Monday, October 22
Macbeth Reading Response

One page, double space, 12 point font--Basically, because every class is at a different place in ACT IV, respond to whatever you want. Here are some ideas:
  • the influence of and roles of women in marriage, in society, in politics
  • traits of a good leader
  •  Lady Macbeth’s leadership traits and procedures
  •  effects of women in leadership positions
  • The amount of people Macbeth has killed now--why has it gone this way

You can discuss all or any of the following as they apply to this particular play and how they compare/contrast with modern life. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

English 10--Wednesday, October 17

How do I use evidence to construct a strong arument?

1- Get new seats!
2- Read/Strategy
3-Review Claim/Evidence/Rule using "Slip or Trip" chart. Evidence and Explanations aren't enough. In order to create a strong argument, you need a claim. The three pieces go together.
--see link below

4-Practice solving murder mystery "Little Miss Hijacker"

Homework: Type a 1 page paper (double space-12 font-times new roman) arguing what you think happened to the woman--Who killed her, how did he do it, why? etc. Use Claim, Evidence, Explanation model. See link below for some serious help!!! Trust me--students who click on the link below will have an easier time completing this assignment than students who don't. Just sayin....

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Honors 11--Tuesday, October 16

Objective: How do I use participial phrases in my writing?
Continue reading/analyzing ACT III of Macbeth.

1- Mini writing lesson on modifiers/ participial phrases. Looking at pictures, we practiced using participial phrases in order to be more descriptive in our writing.
2- ACT CONCEPT #5 Misplaced/incorrect participial phrases/modifiers
3- Continued working on ACT III in small groups
4-Revisited 30 Book Challenge-- Handed out book marks.

Prepare for ACT QUIZ on all 5 concepts. This is worth 28 points. Study study study!

All missing quizzes, retake quizzes, homework, etc. is due on Friday, October 19!!! No Exceptions.

English 10--Wednesday, October 10

Objective: How do I use inference to create an argument?

  • Read the first 15 mintues
  • Reviewed the 30 Book Challenge. Reminder--students are encouraged to read 30 books by the end of the year. I gave each student a book mark to keep track of their books.
  • Looked at a murder mystery "Slip or Trip." We focused on evidence and rules-- Evidence matters when it is accompanied by a "Rule" or explanation that is commonly accepted by all people. 
Homework: None

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Honors 11-Tuesday, October 9

Objective: Continue Reading/Analyzing Macbeth

1- Turned in ACT II reading response
2- Took Vocab Quiz
3- "Good Angel/Bad Angel"--See links below
4- In groups, we read ACT III and answered the following questions:

Homework- NONE

English 10--Monday, October 8

What is inference and how to I use it?

What we did in class today-
1- We read the first 10 minutes
2- We talked about inference--watched a clip of Sherlock Holmes where he says, "it's the small details that mean everything."
3- We practiced making inferences from Art work.
If you were absent, you need to click on the link below for the handout.

Directions for absent students-
1- get online and pick a picture or piece of art with no words.
2- Look at all the small details or clues in the pictures.
3- Make inferences using those clues and write a creative story about what you think is going on in the picture. The story should be a half page handwritten?
4- Bring me the picture (printed out) and the story for full points.

Homework: NONE

Friday, October 5, 2012

Honors 11--Friday, September 5

Objective: How does watching Macbeth on screen differ from reading the graphic novel?

In class, we watch ACTs I and II of the film Macbeth.

Study for vocab quiz on Tuesday

If you were unable to access the ACT II response from Wednesday's homework, click on the link below and complete this by Tuesday.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

English 10--Thursday, October 4

Objective: Revise and Complete Personal Narrative

Follow these instructions to revise paper: Each student can print his own copy of instructions--

This paper and revision process is due at the end of the period. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Honors 11--Wednesday, October 3

  • Understand ACT II
  • Learn another tool to analyze literature 
What we did in class-
1-Went over the Socratic Question paper--In small groups, students brainstormed questions for ACT I
For handout--see link below:
2- Read ACT II
3- In small groups or as individuals, students created questions for ACT II.

EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY-- Go to "Night of Shakespeare" at LPHS Wednesday, October 3 at 7pm. Watch it, yes the whole thing, and then respond to the following prompt: Which part of the evening was your favorite? Why do you think Shakespeare was written to be acted, not read?--at least a half page response please. Then attach your ticket to this paper and turn it in in exchange for an extra slacker pass.

click on link: 

Macbeth Act II Reading Response

Lady Macbeth waits for Macbeth to finish killing Duncan.  Macbeth enters, still carrying the bloody daggers.  Lady Macbeth again chastises him for his weak-mindedness and plants them on the bodyguards herself.  As she does so, Macbeth imagines that he hears a voice saying “Macbeth will sleep no more.”  Lady Macbeth returns and assures Macbeth that “a little water clears us of this deed.”  How do you feel about her statement?  What is she trying to do?  How can this suggestion, “a little water clears us of [the] deed,” apply to our world—perhaps your own life today? 

Write a one page, double space, response. Make sure to follow the directions and answer ALL aspects of the question.

English 10--Tuesday, October 2

Objective: Continue working on personal narrative

Students continued working on their papers in the writing lab

Homework: None but the personal narrative is due at the end of class on Thursday.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Honors 11--Monday, October 1

Objective: Understand ACT I of Macbeth

1- We took A.C.T. Quiz #3--if you were absent, you'll need to make this up before or after school within the next week.

2- We finished reading/analyzing ACT I of Macbeth.

Macbeth ACT I prompt--click on link below for specific assignment--

Continue studying Vocabulary and ACT concepts. Pop Quizzes to come.

English 10--Friday, September 28

Objective-- Start writing our personal narratives in the  computer lab.

Students will have three days in the lab to complete this assignment.