Friday, September 5, 2014

British Lit--Friday, September 5

Objective: How do I analyze a poem for theme?

1- Practice Names--students need to know classmates' names for a Quiz on Wednesday, September 17
2- Listened to "The Lady of Shalott"
3- Students started working on The Poem and the Analysis Group Assignment

If you were absent, come to class having read and listened to the poem. You will work in groups next time to begin the Analysis group assignment above--the kids didn't really get to it today. As long as you read and understand what the poem is about, you should be ok.

Things to Consider-- Since I will be out of town the next few periods, here are some reminders:

Tuesday 9/9--Class will be spent in groups, working on the Lady of Shalott Analysis (pink packet) and group paper.

Thursday 9/11--Class will be spent completing Theme poster/presentation for the first 40 minutes. Then each group will present their theme and turn in their poster and their group paper

Monday 9/15-- READING DAY!!! BRING a BOOK to  CLASS

Wed 9/17-- Your Literary Analysis on the book of your choice is due. This paper is MLA 2-3 pages. You are making an argument about your book and writing a paper to prove said argument. You can focus on character, theme, setting, plot, dialogue, point of view, etc.

Also-- Wednesday is the day that the Mini Book Challenge is due.

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