Monday, January 30, 2012

Honors 11 Monday, January 30

Here's what we did in class today:
Students got together with their books groups. They completed the character mind map they began last period. Students need to complete 3 characters by the end of the period. (3 per group that is)

Finish reading book and be ready to take a test on your novel
Have your reading journal (4-6 pages) ready to turn in
Have all book group assignments ready to turn in--If you were ever absent, it is still your responsibility to complete the missed work

Upcoming due dates:
Friday- Literary Terms test

Tuesday: Lit analysis due

Friday, January 27, 2012

English 10 Friday, January 27

1- Turned in the rest of quote log. Students should have completed 8 for full points. If you want to turn this in by the end of the day, I will still give you points. email it to

2- Reviewed for test

3- Took speak exam

Homework: Song assignment. For actual assignment, see link below:

Upcoming assignments:
Tuesday: speak song due
Thursday: Art project due. See handout for specifics:

Honors 11 Thursday, January 26

What we did in class today:
We reviewed how to use a comma. This assignment will need to be picked up and completed. I don't have an online copy of this handout. You will want to get the notes from a peer since it was a big part of what you need in preparation for the ACT prep work we'll be doing in class in a few weeks.

We met in book groups. You'll have to do this assignment on your own.

Continue reading and working on journal.
Finish comma handout.

Upcoming assignment due dates:
Have book finished. 
Be prepared for an assessment on your novel. 
Turn in entire reading journal 4-6 pages
Turn in all book group work. (3 blue packets and character mind maps)

Literary Terms Quiz

Tuesday: Final paper due!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

English 10 Wednesday, January 25

Objectives: Understand symbolism and irony
Here's what we did in class today:
1- Read the first 20 minutes of class
2- Discussed Women's suffrage and its role in the novel. Discussed Irony.
3- Discussed symbolism.
4- We also reviewed the song assignment that is due Tuesday, January 31. See link below for assignment:

Finish book AND finish quote log assignment. I changed it from 10 quotes to 8. Even though I've already given you some points for what you turned in last time, you still need to re-submit 8 quotes with your explanations.

Honors 11 Tuesday, January 24

We reviewed clear and concise writing: See link below for assignment:

Next, we played a review game for your lit terms. Remember that your test on these words is February 3rd.

Homework: Be prepared with your reading because you are meeting in book groups.
Have 3/4 of reading journal complete.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Engilsh 10 Monday, January 23

We spent the day in the writing lab.
1- We took a quiz on pages 116-137
2- We started an assignment where you document your quotes/examples from the book regarding your word. See link below for actual assignment.

Homework: Read pages 141-164 and continue doing stickies for your word

Friday, January 20, 2012

Honors 11 Friday, January 20

1. We went over some writing skills...
2- We met in Book groups....If you were absent, click on link and print off copy

Homework: stay on top of your reading and have a good weekend.

English 10 Thursday, January 19

Students read the first 20 minutes of class-
We had a lesson on symbolism. See lesson plan-

Homework: Read to page 137 in your book Speak. Please continue marking sticky notes to help find examples for your destiny word.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Honors 11 Wednesday, January 18

Here's what we did in class today:
1- Turned in homework (paragraph)
3- Next, we watched the A&E Biography "The Bronte Sisters"

Homework: You will be in your book groups next class period. Therefore, have your reading journal up to date and read as far into your book as you committed to.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

English 10 Tuesday, January 17

Here's what we did in class today:
1- Read first twenty minutes of class. Took Quiz/passed off stickies
2- Finished up our research project with the laptops...each kid researched their own word.
3- Watched clip from X men first class and discussed identity in high school.

H.W. read pages 95-116 and find 5 more places/examples of your word

Friday, January 13, 2012

Honors 11 Friday, January 13th

Here's what we did in class today:
1- Met in book groups. If you were absent, you need to print off the following discussion questions and complete them on your own. I will be grading these for quality.
2. We had a mini-lesson on writing about literature in the present tense. You are accountable for this information whether you were here or not. It is your responsibility to print off the handouts, read through them, comprehend them, and change your writing ways :) See two hand outs below.

Homework: Follow these steps. 
1- Go to your computer and pull up your saved literary analysis on Lord of the Flies. If you don't have this saved, you will have to come to class, and get your copy from the bin.
2. Choose one paragraph that Mrs. Jaynes didn't edit for you. Copy and paste this paragraph onto a new word document. Label this paragraph "OLD PARAGRAPH"
3. Copy and paste this paragraph again and label it "NEW PARAGRAPH"
4. Go through "new paragraph" and change any past tense verbs to present tense verbs (when applicable). Also take out any helping verbs such as is, am, are, be, were, had, has, etc.
5. Either use your computer to underline any changed verbs OR print off paper and go through with pen or highlighter and underline words you changed.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

English 10 Thursday, January 12

Here's what we did in class today:

1-Read the first 20 minutes. Took quiz on pp 46-68 and checked off sticky notes (5 times someone tried to help Melinda OR they could've tried to help but didn't.
2- Introduced assignments that go along with speak. See attachment below:
3- Each student chose a "Destiny Word" for the remainder of the unit.
4- We completed a partner brainstorm for the destiny word.

Homework: Read pp 68-93- Find 5 places that relate to your word and write them down on stickies.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Honors 11 Wednesday, January 11

Objective: How does societies rules and expectations affect an individual?
Here's what we did in class today:
1- "The Societal Rules Gallery Walk" activity. Discussed the various unwritten rules/expectations of society. Students also answered questions that go along with the activity.

2- We watched the A&E Biography of Jane Austen. Students watched for societal rules and expectations from Jane Austen and Emily Bronte's time period.

Homework: Read your book to the decided point AND have your reading journal ready to check off (about a fourth of it done--one page)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

English 10 Tuesday, January 10

Objective: Characterize Melinda
Here's what we did in class today:
1- Read first 20 minutes of class and took quiz. I also checked off your reading sticky notes
2- Characterize Melinda--Body Map. If you were absent, you'll need to make this up at home. See link below for assignment.

Homework: Read pp 49-68 from Speak. Students must complete 5 new sticky notes identifying when someone either tried to help Melinda OR they could've helped her and didn't. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Honors 11 Monday, January 9

Objective: Plan book group reading assignments/ introduce unit assignments

Here's what we did in class today:
1- Each student went to the writing lab (608) and checked out a copy of either Pride and Prejudice or Wuthering Heights.
2- Students returned to class and met in their book groups. Each group mapped out a reading schedule, allowing them to finish the book by February 1st.
3- As a class, we went over the reading journal--an assignment each student must do while reading the novel. See link below for handout.

4- As a class, we went over the writing prompt for the literary analysis each student will write upon completion of the novel. To see the assignment (due February 7) see link below.

5- Students read the last 40 minutes of class to get a head start on their homework.

Homework: Begin reading novel (at least 25 pages) and write a one page double space paper describing your initial reaction of the characters. Think of it as a "first impression" response. Do not simply summarize the characters, but discuss, speculate, write about your impression of them based on the first few chapters. 

Friday, January 6, 2012

English 10 Friday, January 6

Objective: Why should we empathize with others? Why should we take responsibility for our actions and our treatment of others?

Here's what we did in class today:
1- Read for 20 minutes and took quiz on pp 3-22 of speak. I also check off 5 sticky notes when you connected/related to something in the novel.
2- Looked at 3 bullying commercials/movie clips and free wrote about each one. Discussed question of the day following video clips.
3- Wrote advanced body paragraph answering one of the following two questions: Why should we empathize with others? Why should we take responsibility for our actions and our treatment of others?

Homework: Read to page 46 and complete 5 new sticky notes looking for ways in which Melinda (the narrator) reveals her character. It can be through actions, words, relationships with others etc.  You will be quizzed on pp 23-46 20 minutes after the bell rings on Tuesday, Jan. 10. I will also check off your stickies again.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Honors 11 Thursday, January 5

Objective: Introduce and pick novel for reading group.

Here's what we did today:
1- Watch video clips/teasers from the two films: "Wuthering Heights" and "Pride and Prejudice"
2- Each student got on a lap top and researched the two books. If you were absent, you'll have to do this at home:

By the end of the period, students will know which book they will read over the next 3 and a half weeks.

Homework: None--Enjoy the weekend. :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

English 10 Wednesday, January 4

Objective: Understand how social expectations affect our behavior--And begin reading the novel "Speak"

Here's what we did in class today:
1- Reviewed the social contract and its importance in our classroom.
2- Social expectations: Salem vs. High School. Even though they are different, each "society" has expectations that members are required to follow or they will be cast out, shunned, ostracized, rejected, etc.
3- Went to the computer lab (608) and checked out the novel "Speak." Each student will check out their own book and be responsible for it over the course of the unit. If you lose the novel, you will have to pay for it.
4- Began reading "Speak" as a class. Discussed the first few chapters.

Homework: Read to page 22 and complete 5 sticky notes. Your sticky notes will be ways in which you relate/connect to what is happening in the novel. There will be a quiz after the first 20 minutes of reading on Friday and I will also check for your sticky notes.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Honors 11 Tuesday, January 3

Objective: Why study classic literature?

Here's what we did in class today:
1- I handed back the student papers on Lord of the Flies- We went over some basic comments, so students would understand how to improve papers. Each student wrote a specific goal to improve their writing for the next paper. They put the goal and their paper inside a manila folder and will keep that portfolio in class to refer to.
2- Students read the following article:

Then answered the following questions:

Although the handout with questions says to answer one question from each section, students were to answer one from each section in class and one from each section for homework. Therefore--students will turn in 6 well developed paragraphs at the beginning of class next time. 

Homework: Turn in 6 well developed paragraphs/answers to questions next time. See handout above if you were absent.  

English 10 Friday, December 16

Today we took "The Crucible" exam.

Homework: None. Merry Christmas.

Honors 11 Thursday, December 15

Today was our last day to present/listen to speeches

Homework: None...that's why it is called A BREAK!!!

English 10 Wednesday, December 14

Today we reviewed for "The Crucible" exam. We looked at example questions and worked on them in groups.

Next, we played "Mafia" and compared the game to the Salem Witch Hunts.

Homework: Study for exam next time.