Friday, October 30, 2015

British Lit--Friday, October 31st

Happy Halloween and Happy Reading Day!!!

HW: Chapters 7&8 of Lord of the Flies with Reading Guide

American Lit--Thursday, October 30

Objective: How was Henry David Thoreau and What can we learn from his experience at Walden Pond?

1-Read 10-15 minutes
2-Watched Thoreau Prezi

3- In groups, students each took a paragraph from Walden and became the expert on that paragraph. They created a presentation and then taught the class about their section.

If you were absent, you'll need to make this up.

HW--Continue working on Portfolio

British Lit--Wednesday, October 29

Objective: What makes a good society?

Students discussed chapters 4&5 of Lord of the Flies 
Students finished their Islands--Will present on Tuesday of next week

chapters 5&6 and reading guide
Bring book for Friday Reading Day!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

American Lit--Tuesday, October 27

Objective: What does it mean to be an individual?

1- Students read for 10 minutes
2- We spent a few minutes going over the Transcendental Portfolio

3- We completed a Mix and Mingle--students took quotes from the essay "Self-Reliance" and discussed/mingle-talked about their quotes with each other. As they did so, they were able to better understand what the main idea is.

4- Next, students wrote in their journal, predicting WHAT they think the essay "Self-Reliance" will be about.

5- Students read the essay with the teacher!!! We discussed and pulled out the main idea.

6- We watched the following video How to Be Alone and made connections to Self-Reliance.

Homework: Begin working on Transcendental Portfolio :) Due on Thursday, November 12th

British Lit--Monday, October 26

Objective: What makes a good or functioning society?

1- We watched the Lost clip and discussed the following ideas:

  • Why are these people struggling to get along?
  • What does the following quote mean, "If we can't live together, we're going to die alone."
  • What is one of the first things the boys do when they gather?
    • learn names
    • create rules
    • elect a leader
    • establish expectations
    • explore
  • What does this show us about the boys at this point in the novel?
2- We characterized Jack, Piggy, and Ralph and discussed the first two chapters of the novel.

3- We broke into groups and began creating a society--see me for handout. 

Homework: Read chapters 3&4 and complete reading guide

American Lit--Friday, Oct 23

Objective: Who was Emerson and what did he believe about Nature?

1- Students wrote down these three things about Emerson:

  • He is known as the Father of Transcendentalism (because he started it)
  • He attended Harvard
  • His Father was a minister
2- Students read/annotated the essay "Nature" by Emerson. If you were absent, see me for this article.

3-Students viewed the Nature Powerpoint and completed this Free-Write Poem

Homework: Students typed up their Free-Verse poem 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

British Lit--Thursday, October 22

Objective: Who makes a good member of society?

1- Students got new seats
2-Students completed a critical thinking activity--who should survive?
3-We discussed the hw

Homework: Read chapters 1&2 of Lord of the Flies and complete the reading guide. Remember we will check for three things: the answer, the quote it came from directly from the text, and the page number.

American Lit--Tuesday, Oct 21

Objective: What is transcendentalism and how does it fit into the literary time periods?

1-Students got new seats
2-Students read for 15 minutes
3- Viewed Transcendentalism PREZI

4- Students worked on their collage--cut out pictures that they feel represent the Transcendental Top Five.

Homework: NONE

British Lit-- Monday, October 20

Objective: How well do I understand Macbeth?

1-Students participated in their Socratic Seminar--this was also their test for the unit. If you were gone this day, you'll need to come in the morning and take that.

2- We discussed what we can learn from Macbeth.

3- We checked out our next novel--Lord of the Flies

Homework: NONE

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

American Lit--Wednesday, October 14th

Objective: What is transcendentalism?

Students spent the day in the writing lab doing a webquest on transcendenalism?

homework: Get all late work in

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

British Lit--Tuesday, October 13

Objective: Review your Macbeth papers to ensure you are on the right track.

Print off Jaynes Check-list and spend the period reviewing your paper.

Please leave a copy of your rough draft with the sub.

Please enjoy your break and know that on the day we return, your final paper is due and we will hold our socratic seminars.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

American Lit--Tuesday, Oct 6

Who was Edgar Allan Poe?

1-Students finished in class test on The Crucible
2- Students watched the following bio on Edgar Allan Poe

Homework: Work on tuberculosis article--read, annotate, and answer questions. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

British Lit--Monday, October 5

Objective: Better understand Act IV of Macbeth

Students watched Act 4

Students completed this prompt:
Diary Entry

Lady Macbeth has just learned that Macduff’s family has been murdered. She knows her husband ordered it. She now knows a lot of things about her husband she was ignorant to when she first strong-armed him into killing King Duncan.

Write a journal entry for Lady Macbeth at this point in the play. Use her voice—no Shakespeare language necessary

10 minutes

Homework: Complete ACT 4 reading guide (see me for this) and come ready to finish the play on Friday. 

American Lit--Friday, October 2

Objective: Students took The Crucible test

If you were absent, you'll need to come in before school and take this exam. This needs to be taken before Fall break.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

British Lit--Thursday, October 1

Objective: How can I better analyze Act III of Macbeth?

1- Students took vocab quiz
2- We discussed the Macbeth Analysis Question paper.
Rough draft due Tuesday, October 13th
Final due Tuesday, October 20th

3-We viewed Act III of Macbeth and complete reading guide

Homework: Act III reading guide

American Lit--Wednesday, Sept 30

Objective: Continue working on Body Map with groups. Students finished those in class.

Some classes were able to work on the modern-day connection assignment but other classes did not get to this. Check with me if you were absent as to whether or not your class did this.

Homework: Review themes for The Crucible written paragraph test next time.

British Lit--Tuesday, Sept 29

Objective: REading day :)

Homework: Study for vocab test. Act 2 reading guide due next time.

American Lit--Monday, Sept 28th

Objective: What is characterization? And how can I better understand/analyze John and Abigail?

In groups, students worked on a body map where they focused on John and Abigail's thoughts, feelings, actions, and desires.

Homework: None