Wednesday, February 29, 2012

English 10 Wednesday, February 29

Great news! I scheduled one extra day in the writing lab--this means you have all period Wednesday and all period Friday to work on your argumentative research paper.

Things to consider today:

  • Sit in your assigned seats 
  • Work on your paper--time is running short and this is worth 250 points
  • I will not accept ANY late papers
  • Spend today completing your paper. If you are finished you can use the follow link to help you figure out MLA format. However, if you aren't at that point yet, I will go over this with you on Friday.

For MLA examples of In-Text Citations and Works Cited Page

For other examples, such as how to cite internet sources and books, go to the following link:

HINT--If you are quoting sources from articles found on the SIRS website, the citations are already done for you!!! Go back to the article (through the and click on your article. At the bottom of the page, you will find your citation.

Again--we will review this Friday, but if you are ready to start working on this--do so now.

Honors 11 Tuesday, February 28

Today we did our final ACT English review in class. This is not something that needs to be made up.
Next time, we will do our final Reading review for the ACT--that will be our last day preparing.

Homework: Due Monday, March 5
Read another 20 pages from your informational text--this will make a total of 60 pages total. Like the past two assignments, you need to read, summarize the main ideas, and write one additional paragraph describing how it adds to your focus question. Be specific in this paragraph.

Due Next time-- for some of you--Reminder--Anyone who hasn't turned in their first research assignment needs to do so by next time or else it falls into the over one week policy and will not be accepted without 2 late passes.

Monday, February 27, 2012

English 10 Monday, February 27

Today we continued working on our research papers in the writing lab. We will be in the lab one more day before we turn them in Friday, March 2. There will be no late papers accepted!!!

We will review MLA format next time.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Honors 11 Friday, February 24

I was absent today but if you missed, this is what we did:
We took the reading test from ACT 4MC. This was completed in class. Students were able to work on their own to complete and grade the test. Class was short due to an assembly, so that was all we had time for.


  • Students will read 20 new pages from their informational text. After reading, they will write a one page summary (double space--don't use up a lot of space for your name, period, etc...I want a full page!) of the main ideas. This will help you in your research, but also prep you for extracting the main idea in preparation for your ACT next week. 
  • Students will also write one paragraph reflecting on how this reading material helped answer your research focus question--or if you read something that helped you formulate a new question to focus on.
  • Students will turn in this assignment WITH their previous summary/paragraph that I already graded, checked off, scored, and commented on. I need to see all your work to ensure that you are not just spitting out the same information (or heaven forbid, using the same assignment!) If you don't turn in the previous assignment with the new assignment you will be docked points!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

English 10 Thursday, February 23

Students! I'm sorry I'm out sick today--I'm at the hospital getting some tests done on me and the baby. Everything will be fine but Please please please be on your best behavior while I'm gone today. Work on your paper--this is due in 3 class periods and worth 250 points! I've taken the time to write a rubric for you to follow today in class along with an example body paragraph for you to follow if you'd like. Don't waste your time. This paper can't be turned in late. Love and miss you! Mrs. Jaynes

Today we went to the writing lab to write our research papers. You will have three days, in class, to write this paper. Don't waste time. This assignment is worth 250 points. See see or print off rubric, click on link below:

Today, you should focus on typing your introduction paragraph, which you drafted in class last period. Next, move onto your two body paragraphs. For example of a body paragraph, with each component explained, click on link below: HINT to see how the comments match up to the various parts of the paragraph, click on the highlighted or bolded words and the appropriate comment describing that part of the paragraph will show up.

Homework: None-- but keep in mind your final research paper is due on Friday, March 2nd. No Late Papers or you will only receive half credit!!!

Honors 11 Wednesday, February 22

Objective: Work on timing for the ACT.

What we did in class today: We worked on the English portion of 4MC--We broke each section into 9 minutes and ensured we could successfully answer 15 questions in those 9 minutes.

Homework: DUE Tuesday, February 28
Another one page summary on 20 NEW pages from your informational text. You will also have to write another paragraph assessing how the information helps your question or changes the direction of your research.  You will be turning in this assignment with the previous assignment I graded, so I can see your progress.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

English 10 Tuesday, February 21

Today in class we prepared an outline for the research paper. Next time in class, we will be going to the writing lab to draft the paper. Students should have an introduction drafted by the end of today along with a clear thesis and outline.

For example introduction paragraph-- click on link below

Homework: Finish drafting introduction paragraph and outline if you didn't finish in class. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Honors 11 Friday, February 17

We turned in Reading Test 2MC
Next we completed ACT bubble sheets for the counseling office. You HAVE to do this ASAP if you were absent otherwise you won't be registered for the free March 6th test.
We went over answers for the Reading 2MC


Read one chapter or two chapters (about 20 pages) from your informational book and summarize the main ideas in one page paper. Use complete sentences, not bullet points.
Then answer in a separate paragraph if and how what you have read helps answer your research question. If necessary, indicate how your research question has changed. 


Complete both English (do on green side) and Reading (do on blue side) of ACT Test 3MC. I notice that an alarming amount of students think it's cool to bubble in guess answers and get full points. These practice tests are the key to you improving your ACT score. If I don't see more of an effort from you on these tests, I will stop the unit and we will go ahead and do something else. 

!!!!!A2!!!!!Because these are not timed, I will go ahead and give you a score based on actual score, not just completion. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

English 10 Thursday, February 16

Today was our final day in the library.
We completed the following handout-

This handout is a way for students to organize their research into an outline. This outline will make SUCH a difference when writing their final paper.

Homework: Complete Outline if you didn't finish and check it off with me in class today.

Honors 11 Wednesday, February 15

What we did in class today:
Checked off information texts with Mrs. Jaynes
Discussed the importance of having a focus question before starting your research
Wrote down possible focus question on a 3 x 5 notecard and turned in to Mrs. Jaynes

Next, we went over reading strategies for the ACT.
Mrs. Jaynes modeled a few tests for you
You tried some on your own.

Complete Reading Section from ACT 2MC—use scan tron- Green side please J Due this Friday.

Read one chapter or two chapters (about 20 pages) from your informational book and summarize the main ideas in one page paper. Use complete sentences, not bullet points.
Then answer in a separate paragraph if and how what you have read helps answer your research question. If necessary, indicate how your research question has changed. Due Wednesday, February 22.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

English 10 Tuesday, February 14

We went to the library today and continued our research.
If you were absent, click on the link and do at home:

Homework: None if you finished your work in class.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Honors 11 Monday, February 13

We reviewed/graded ACT test 2MC- Students had the time to go through their incorrect answers and read through the answer guide. They also had the chance to ask me one on one questions.

We finished going through 1MC as a class.

Homework: BRING INFORMATIONAL BOOK TO CLASS NEXT TIME!!! No excuses/No Late Passes. This is due and it is worth 15 points. 

ALSO--Anyone turning in their paper with a late pass (your book group paper) it is due Wednesday!!! After that, you can't turn it in unless you use two late passes!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

English 10 Friday, February 10

Research Day 2-
We went to the library and started researching topic. Each student had to print off, read, and annotate 2 articles. They had to check these off with me before the end of the period for 20 points. If you were absent, follow the handout below.

None if you finished your work in class today AND checked it off with me--If you didn't, you can finish it and turn it in for half credit.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Honors 11 Thursday, February 9

We began our ACT prep unit :)

In class, students watched Mrs. Jaynes go over an English section of the ACT. Students took notes on grammar and strategies to help improve their ACT English score.

Students need to complete 2MC English test. (a new test that students picked up at the end of the period)
Students must do the test on a scan tron--they can still write on their test, but they must also fill out scan tron.  You don't have to worry about time; I want you to finish all 75 questions. However, for your own benefit, you should keep track of how long this takes you, so that you know whether or not time is an issue.
You will not be graded on how well you do on this test, but on whether or not you complete it.

REMINDER- Your informational book is due Wednesday the 15th.

English 10 Wednesday, February 8

Today in class we began our new unit.
We will be writing an argumentative research paper.
Today's Objective: Pick a topic to research.

Students had the opportunity to get on a lap top and complete the following assignment:

Homework: None if you finished your preliminary research assignment. (Every kid in class finished and received 25/25 points.)

If absent, you will need to print this off and do it at home. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Honors 11 Tuesday, February 7

We discussed the various topics you can research for your upcoming research paper.
We watched a powerpoint made by Mrs. Jaynes, which hopefully inspired you to pick a topic related to the British Isles--a topic that is interesting to you.

Then we went to the library for 30 minutes and found books or researched online.

Assignment: You have until Wednesday, February 15th to get a non-fiction, informational book on your topic. You must bring this book to class. You can check a book out from our library, a local library, buy the book used online, bring one from home. You must get on top of this now!!! 

Homework: Start figuring out a book NOW!

Monday, February 6, 2012

English 10 Monday, February 6

We spent today in the writing lab working on our speak papers.

Example Outline with introduction paragraph: See link below

Example of a paragraph:

Speak paper due at the beginning of class next time. 
2 pages, double space

Friday, February 3, 2012

Honors 11 Friday, February 3rd

Here's what we did in class today:
1- Took Literary Terms Quiz
2- Reviewed paper requirements...See handout below:
3- Discussed themes from each book in hopes to figure out what each student will focus on for their thesis statement.

Homework: Lit Analysis- DUE NEXT TIME!!!

Lit analysis- Due next time Tuesday, February 7
Choose a novel in which the social interactions or relationships between characters are an important element to the theme. Then, in a well-written essay, analyze a specific character or relationship and show how it contributes or emphasizes the theme of the novel.
Paper Requirements:
·      MLA format- If you aren’t comfortable with this, go to the following link:
·      2 and a half pages
·      Double space
Pay attention to the following: (this is what you’ll be graded on)
·      Strong, clear thesis carried throughout the paper
·      Each paragraph has a THESIS SPECIFIC claim—arguable
·      Evidence/examples are strong—avoid summary
·      Analysis is clear and TIED back DIRECTLY to THESIS STATEMENT
·      Paper stays on topic—don’t fall out of scope
·      Don’t generalize—stay focused on the novel, not the world
·      No “I” voice
·      Written in the present tense
·      Avoid “Be” verbs
·      Avoid wordiness

English 10 Thursday, February 2

Here's what we did in class today:
1- Art Gallery. Each student presented their Art work to other students as they walked around the room. This was worth 40 points.
2- The Writing Process. As a class, we went through the pre-writing strategy of coming up with a thesis statement for the Speak paper.  Each student left class feeling confident in a thesis statement specific to their word and paper. See handout below:

Homework: Finish Speak Paper Outline....if you lost yours, click on the link above for the assignment. 

Reminder- We will spend the entire period on Monday, February 6th in the writing lab writing your speech paper. This paper will be due on Wednesday, February 8th. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Honors 11 Wednesday, February 1

Today we turned in the following three things:
reading journal, character mind maps, and your book group discussion packets.

Then we took a test on the novel.

Then we met one final time as a book group and completed the following questions: see link below

Homework: Study for Lit. Terms Quiz. Please. Study. Don't fail this test like many of you failed your novel exam.... my heart hurts for you.  :)

English 10 Tuesday, January 31

Today in class we shared our songs with each other.
After that, we did a character analysis of Melinda and compared it to the beginning of the novel. How has Melinda progressed over the course of the book? This activity was done in groups.

ART  WORK--create something: a picture, a painting, a collage, a photograph, a song, a poem, etc. Your creation has to represent your word. You need to be prepared to present this to a small group of kids and explain how your word fits into the book.
This is worth 40 points!!!