Finish presentations on "As a Man Thinketh"-
Have students read pages 141-152 from their purple lit
books- they will be reading "The Pardoner’s Tale"
After reading and understanding the text, have them answer
questions 1-8 on page 152-have them write these answers in great detail-
backing up their ideas with support—collect these in three days (for the next
three days, students will be reading a text from this book. I’ll collect all
questions at the same time to keep it more simple and organized. Even if they
work in groups, which I encourage, they still have to each write their own
When there are about twenty minutes left, have students complete an in-class free-write using the
following prompt:
“Do you think money is the root of all evil? Is it that
black and white? Either way, defend your answer with evidence from both the
world and texts we’ve studied this year in class.”