Tuesday, November 26, 2013

British Lit--Tuesday, November 26

Objective: What background info do I need to understand The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

1- Book Talks-- guys...there aren't many more days left to present. Don't be that student who doesn't end up presenting because you procrastinated.

2- Victorian England/Robert Louis Stevenson background activity.  Students read through the handout and created Quiz Questions--If you were absent, get this handout from me next time.

2a- Students also got the lit terms assignment- quiz on Thursday, December 4

3-Students got 45 minutes to read and annotate Jekyll and Hyde--Due next time

Homework: Students need to read and annotate the novella by Tuesday, December 2nd

How do I annotate well?
  • personal connections/insights
  • connections to other books/characters we've read in class
  • Quotes that seem relevant
  • Lit terms

American Lit--Monday, November 26

Objective--Enjoy the transcendental presentations

Students spent the period presenting their portfolios to the group

Homework: None, but I would strongly suggest that you enjoy some reading over the break.
In fact, if you get online and check this blog AND you read from a book of your choice, I'll give you extra credit. Bring me a print out of the cover of your book and write down how long you read for.

Friday, November 22, 2013

British Lit--Friday, Nov 22

Objective: Understanding Lord of the Flies by Acting in the classroom.

Students showed an understanding of the novel--themes, plot, character, analysis--by participating in a call-in radio show. This was considered an assessment.

If you were absent, please write a one page, double space paper analyzing pretending to be one of the six characters--see photo. Directions--pick one character and explain in first person (write it as if you ARE the character) your view of what happened on the Island? Why it happened? Why you did what you did? Your thoughts? Where you are now that you're off the Island. Etc.

ALSO--Students recieved the Jekyll and Hyde text--you need to come pick that up from me OR you can click to print text and print it off yourself--(34 pages.) You must read and annotate this by Tuesday, December 2nd.

When students ask me how much to annotate, I remind them that reading this novella is the homework for the next ten days! Therefore, I expect that you put time into your connections.

What kinds of things can you annotate for?
  • personal connections
  • connections or reminders to other movies/books we've read in class/books you're reading on your own
  • quotes that you think hold weight--quotes that describe Evil or the nature of Men
  • insights that you gained while reading


Thursday, November 21, 2013

American Lit--Thursday, Nov 21

Objective: What can we learn from others regarding Transcendentalism?

Students presented their portfolios to the class.

Homework: NONE

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

British Lit--Wednesday, November 20

Objective: What are the themes in Lord of the Flies?

1- Book Talks
2- Group theme extractions
3- Share/discuss insights

Homework: Study for symbols quiz

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

American Lit--Tuesday, Nov 19

Objective-work day
Reminder--The entire portfolio is due next period--Thursday, November 21. NO Late work! No excuses.

Use the example paper to know exactly how to follow MLA format. Click here

Monday, November 18, 2013

British Lit--Monday, November 18

Objective--analyzing the ending

Students were to answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. They could work together in small groups to complete the task.

Discussion Questions for chapters 11 and 12

Homework: Pretend you are a reporter interviewing characters from the novel. Type four interview questions for each of the following characters from Lord of the Flies
·      Jack
·      Ralph
·      Piggy
·      Simon
·      Roger
·      The Naval Officer

Questions should be thoughtful. Think about what you would really want to ask these characters, not necessarily things you already know from the novel. 24 questions total—due on Wednesday. TYPED.

Friday, November 15, 2013

British Lit--Tuesday, November 12

Objective: What does Simon's death symbolize?

1- Book Talks
2- Group Quiz--students were divided into groups. Each group was responsible for a section of the reading. Then groups created a scene/acted out their section

3- After the quiz, we discussed how Simon's death symbolizes the loss of innocence and also the fact that Simon functions as a Christ Figure.

Homework: Finish the novel and complete the reading questions.

American Lit--Friday, November 15

Objective: Portfolio Work Day

Students spent time in the library working on their Transcendental Portfolios.

Example of MLA format

Homework: Continue working on your portfolio.