Friday, August 29, 2014

British Lit--Friday, August 29

How do I identify the theme in multiple genres?

1-Students turned in their homework (The Necklace Topic--Theme--Thesis)

2- Students broke into small groups and looked at various texts to determine theme: A fable, a song, Art work, a movie clip, and a children's book. Each group read the text and then worked out Topic--Theme--Thesis.

If you were absent, you can make this up at home using the three texts below. To get credit, you must show the process of all three texts by doing it on a separate piece of paper. Turn it in to the late work/absent basket. (This took the entire period, so plan on it taking about an hour at home)

Homework: None--Enjoy Labor Day weekend.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

American Lit--Thursday, Aug 28

Objective: What is a theme? and How do I find it?

1- Read and discuss the article about why we read literature.
2- Topic-Theme-Thesis

3- if you were absent, click here for help.



British Lit--Wednesday, Aug 27

Objective: What is a theme? and How do I find it?

1- Read and discuss the article about why we read literature.
2- Topic-Theme-Thesis

3- if you were absent, click here for help.


Read The Necklace( you can find it here ) and type up the topic-->Theme-->Thesis

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

American Lit--Tuesday, August 26

How do I get excited about reading?

1- 30 Book Challenge Prezi

2- Students spent the rest of the period (40 minutes) completed their "Go To" Reading List


Bring a book to class...for points!

British Lit--Monday, August 25

How do I get excited about reading?

1- 30 Book Challenge Prezi

2- Students spent the rest of the period (40 minutes) completed their "Go To" Reading List


Read and annotate the packet--I can't upload it, so if you were absent, you'll have to come pick it up from me or get it upon return.

Friday, August 22, 2014

American Lit--Friday, August 22

Objective: How do we create a classroom community?

1- Students took school pictures
2- Students watched the youtube clip Unity is Strength
and we discussed how the principles in the commercials could apply to our class community.
3-Reviewed and signed Social Contract

Get all class materials. I will be checking them off for points
  • composition book
  • Binder (3 Ring)
  • sticky notes--medium size

Thursday, August 21, 2014

British Lit--Thursday, August 21

Objective: What are the behavior expectations in this class? How do we create a class community?

1- Students had their pictures taken (30 min)
2- Students watched a Unity is Strength youtube video and wrote down how concepts from the commercial and discussed how they related to creating a classroom community
3-We read, discussed, and signed the class social contract

Bring all class materials for points

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

American Lit--Tuesday, August 19

Objective: What are the expectations of this class?

1- Riddle Game--> to introduce the disclosure document.

2-Students create their own riddles for one aspect of the disclosure document (homework, late passes, tardies, absences, blog, etc.) and then present them to the class.

3-We then discuss the disclosure document as the riddles unfold

4- If there is time, an All About Mrs. Jaynes/Mrs. Wahlin powerpoints.

1-Get the disclosure document signed.
2- Complete the "All About Me" handout

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

British Lit--Tuesday, August 19

Objective: How can I do well in Honors English? Who is this lady? (Mrs. Jaynes)

1- Went over seating chart--started learning names
2- Read/discussed disclosure document--students need to be familiar with disclosure document for a potential pop quiz
3- Some classes watched an "All About Mrs. Jaynes" prezi if we had time.

1- Get disclosure document signed
2- Complete All About Me assignment