Friday, September 30, 2011

English 10 Friday, September 30

Here's what we did in class today:
1-Read for the first 15 minutes followed by a reading response.
2- Learned what it means to infer--In what ways do we make inferences in our daily lives?
3- Let's practice looking at clues in artwork-- Working in pairs, students looked at a piece of art and created a story based on the clues in the picture. After they wrote their story, students shared them with the class.

Homework: None

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Honors 11- Thursday, September 29

Here's what we did in class today:
1. Turned in Act II reading response.
2. Partner Reading--Act III with questions. If you were absent, you'll need to read Act III on your own and complete the questions. See link below:
3. We watched Act II on film.

Homework: None. Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

English 10 Wednesday, September 28

Here's what we did in class today:
We spent the period in the writing lab finishing the personal narrative. Students should turn in their narrative with the following things in mind:
1. paper needs to be in Times New Roman--12 point font
2. Underline all similes, hyperboles, metaphors, and five senses
3. Students need to bold their controlling idea
4. Students need to mark the paragraph they want me to grade for baby-steps and thought-shots
5. They need to staple the blue rubric to the narrative and complete the reflection on the back (hand-written)

Homework: Finish paper if you didn't turn it in at the end of class on Wednesday. It will be due at the beginning of class on Friday. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Honors 11- Tuesday, September 27

Here's what we did in class today:
1. Watched Act I
2. Read Act II

1. Reading Response Act II
2. Complete significant quotes from Acts I and II. You can use the internet to help you or work in pairs.
3. Continue studying vocabulary words. The quiz will be on Monday, October 3rd

Monday, September 26, 2011

English 10 Monday, September 26

Here's what we did in class today:
1- Went to the writing lab to continue working on personal narratives. We'll be going back to finish them on Wednesday. They are due Wednesday at the end of the period. If students feel they want to take them home to finish (if they aren't done in the writing lab on Wed) I will accept them Friday at the beginning of class.

Homework: It would be a good idea for students to print off their draft to take home. That way, a parent or sibling can proof read the paper, looking for any grammar, spelling, or organizational mistakes.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Honors 11- Friday, September 23

Here's what we did in class today:
1. Read Act I of Macbeth. Discussed/analyzed Act I.
2. Went over homework:

1. Write a one page response to ACT I. See link below for specific details and instructions.

2. Look up vocabulary definitions in purple lit book and copy them down. Bring these definitions to class.
(start preparing for quiz to be announced)

Reading Response: See link below

Vocabulary List: See link below

Thursday, September 22, 2011

English 10 Thursday, September 22

Here's what we did in class today:
1- Read the first 15 minutes of class and responded in journal.
2- Went to the computer lab and started writing personal narratives. We'll be working on these in class for three periods (including today).

The following link is the actual narrative assignment:

Homework: NONE

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Honors 11- Wednesday, September 21

Here's what we did in class today:
1- Turned in homework- 10 things you learned about William Shakespeare
2- Introduced you to the A.C.T- Advice on when to take it. Also, went over comma rules and how they are tested on the A.C.T.
3- Mrs. Jaynes' presentation on why she loves studying Shakespeare.
4- Watch A&E Biography "William Shakespeare: Life of Drama."

Homework: No homework, but make sure you take your book home, so you can use it to do your homework during this unit.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

English 10 Tuesday, September 20th

Here's what we did in class today:
Objective: How do I start my personal narrative? What is a hyperbole and how can I use to to become a better writer?
1- We read the first 15 minutes of class and completed a reading strategy.
2- We read a student example-personal narrative in small groups and identified its controlling idea.
3- We learned how to use a hyperbole. See handout below.

4- Introductions!!! We looked at various ways we can start our personal narrative.

Homwork: None- But bring your I-pod to class because we'll be in the writing lab working on your personal narrative.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Honors 11- Monday, September 19

Here's what we did in class today:
1- Finished working on Paradise Lost readings (yellow packet).
2- Finished outlining the Beowulf/Paradise Lost essay..then went over answers as a class.
3- Students brainstorm and pick the top ten characteristics of the ancient heroes.
4- Listen to a guest speaker- a modern day hero- share her story.
5-Go back to list heroic characteristics and ask students if they can find elements of those in the guest's story.
6- Ask Guest speaker questions they might have about her life, her challenges, her experiences.

Homework: Research and type of 10 interesting things about William Shakespeare that you didn't already know.

Friday, September 16, 2011

English 10 Friday, September 16

Here's what we did in class today:
Objective: How do we make our narratives more interesting?  How do we "show" vs. "tell?"
1- Looked at a story with NO details. Ask the students what is missing?
2- Looked at examples of "show" vs. "tell."
          example of tell: My boyfriend broke up with me, and I am sad. example of show: My boyfriend      broke up with me and I've cried my eyes out for a week.
3- Looked at two techniques to show rather than tell in our stories. Baby Step and Thought shots- See link below.

4- Wrote a class story by exploding the moment.
5- Read an example of a personal narrative and identified all the techniques we've learned about this year. i.e. simile, metaphor, word choice, controlling idea, show vs. tell
6- Guided Imagery- After the guided imagery, students thought about their own narrative topic and free-wrote for 5 minutes.

Homework: Come to class with your personal narrative topic. Type this even thought it's just one sentence.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Honors 11- Thursday, September 15

Here's What we did in class today:
1- Question/Answer session about "Paradise Lost."
2- Read more excerpts from "Paradise Lost" books about the Fall/Satan tempting Eve to eat the fruit.
3- Read an essay comparing "Beowulf" to "Paradise Lost" and worked in groups to outline the essay.

Homework: NONE

English 10 Wednesday, September 14

Here's what we did in class today:
We turned in "Turning Points" graph.
We read 5 narrative examples and looked for the controlling idea.
See packet of stories for directions.

Homework: Be thinking of what your going to write you narrative about.

Honors 11- Tuesday, September 13

Here's what we did today:
1-Took the Quiz on the second half of Beowulf.
2- Analzyed the Hero's Journey in reference to Beowulf.
  • 3- Discussed in groups the following questions: According to the Anglo-Saxons, what characteristics does a hero need?
    • Is Beowulf a hero?
    • T-Chart his strengths and his flaws, if he has any.
3- Introduced Paradise Lost.  Use the following outline to help guide your reading.

  • 1-26 Milton calling upon a Muse
    line 26- Milton’s purpose for writing poem, which is to justify the ways of God to men.
    27-49-Milton asks the muse to tell him about the fall of man and who caused it (intro to Satan.)
    50-84-Description of Hell
    85-124-Satan’s speech about fighting God
    125-156-Beelzebub’s speech about his fears in attacking God again.
    157-191- Satan’s response to Beelzebub
    192-221- Description of Satan
    209-221- Explanation of why God allows Satan to have any power at all
    222-241- Satan’s “escape” from Hell
    242-270 Satan’s speech about claiming hell as his own kingdom
     Homework: Read "Paradise Lost" pages 483-490 and answer the 15 questions of the green handout. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

English 10 Monday, September 12

Here's what we did in class today:
1- Turned in homework-- one paragraph describing a memory using the 5 senses.
2- Listened to Rumpelstiltskin audio at
3- Read Sandra Cisneros "Straw into Gold" and answered questions.
4- Introduced personal narrative-
5 Turning Points- Decide which moments in your life make you dynamic characters. Which experiences have taught you lessons about yourself, your life, your surroundings?

Homework: We started in class-- graph out your 5-8 turning points. Rate them as good/bad experiences and how much they impacted you.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Honors 11- Friday, September 9

Here's What we did in class today:
1- Took Quiz on First half of Beowulf pp 28-46
2- Finished our activity "What makes an Epic?" Today we focused on the popular epic adventure "The Lord of the Rings."
3- Compare/Contrast exercise.

We went over the battle between Grendel and Beowulf. We watched a scene from "The Return of the King" when Aowyn fights the King of the Nasgul. We compared/contrasted the two scenes. We practiced writing a Thesis statement.

Reviewed compare/contrast language-
Both Beowulf and Aowyn.........
Beowulf fights using his courage. Like Beowulf, Aowyn.............
Similarly, Aowyn......
Although both heroes fight to save lives, Aowyn fights for someone she loves.
Beowulf fights for honor unlike Aowyn who fights for love.
Aowyn hides her identity while Beowulf proudly boasts his heritage.

1. Finish writing your compare/contrast paragraph.
2. Finish reading Beowulf. Pages 47-60
3. Bring Purple Lit. Book to class.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

English 10 Thursday, September 8th

Here's what we did in class today:
Objective: Why does word choice matter when I write?
1- Read silently for 15 minutes and complete one reading strategy.
2- Image Activity- Students read a description of a house. Then I show them the actual house. They pictured something completely different because of my choice of words. Therefore, word choice matters!
3- Look at the chapter entitled "Hairs" from "The House on Mango Street." Students work in pairs to determine which phrases are the best and why?
4- Writing with the 5 senses- Students complete the following task in groups. Be as descriptive as possible. After completing the assignment, we'll share and discuss our work with the class.

Homework: Write ONE paragraph describing your favorite memory. Use all 5 senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell) to describe your flashback. This must be typed.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Honors 11- Wednesday, September 7

Here's what we did in class today:
Objectives: How to identify an "Epic Poem?"
1- Took Jekyll and Hyde test.
2- Writing techniques- learned the difference between alliteration, kennings, and stock epithets. Practiced with a handout.
3- What is an epic poem? A narrative poem celebrating the journey of a hero.
We Looked at the characteristics of an epic. Then practiced using two common epics, Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings.

Homework: Bring Purple Lit. book to class!!!
Read pages 28-46 from purple book. Prepare for quiz.
Finish handout identifying any kennings, alliteration, and stock epithets in Beowulf.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

English 10 Tuesday, September 6

Here's what we did in class today:
1- We went to the computer lab and wrote our own "My Name" essay. Using Sandra Cisneros' example of writing, we mimicked her writing. We practiced describing who we are using metaphors, similes, and descriptive writing.
2- Students printed off essay and turned it in for points.

Homework: None

Friday, September 2, 2011

Honors 11, Friday, September 2nd

Here's what we did in class today?
Objectives: How does an author create mood? And how does the mood support the theme?
Turned in Personal Response. If you were absent, and didn't turn it in via email (or early) consider it late. You have one week to turn it in with a late pass.
1- Prompt- Why did Jekyll create Mr. Hyde? Answer- To become free. What is ironic about this? He ended up being more imprisoned.
2- Reviewed definition of mood. Watched clip of "Coraline" while students wrote down as many things they could that helped set the mood. Examples: weather, color, black cat, isolation, etc.
3- We read Elizabeth Bowen's "The Demon Lover." Students underlined any word that helped create the mood.
4- How does Stevenson create the mood for "Jekyll and Hyde" and how does the mood support the theme?

  • The Fog in the opening scene. The fog functions as a mask- it makes things unclear- it makes it difficult to tell what is right in front of your face. This relates to the theme "duality of man" or "duality of society" because they mask their true intentions.  
  • Things happen at night- setting- night time is when people typically act out their "evil" side. This adds to the theme in that most people want to hide in the dark and not let their "evil" side show.
  • Physical description of Hyde- He's hard to describe. He has an indescribable face. Evil is also hard to describe...Hyde is the representation of evil, so Hyde's character supports the theme of "duality of man."
  • Isolation- feeling of eeriness. A feeling of being alone. This ties back to the original reason Jekyll created Hyde. He felt alone in his duplicity of life- When in reality, if the Victorians would haven't talked about it, he would have known that all men have good and evil within them. 

Homework: None- Just know there is a test on Wednesday to finish up our "Jekyll and Hyde" unit. Have a lovely long weekend!
Mrs. Jaynes

Thursday, September 1, 2011

English 10 Thursday, September 1

Here's what we did in class today:
1-    check off reading books, composition books, and homework (my name prompt) for points.
2-    Learn the difference between a metaphor and a simile
a.     Watch prezi- Begin with similes
b.     Listen to "Vindicated" by Dashboard confessional. Students must identify the simile in the song.
c.      Move on to Metaphors
3-    Read “My Name” and underline similes and metaphors
a.     What do similes and metaphors do for our writing?
b.     What are your favorite words, phrases, and images from “My Name.”
4-    Watch a movie clip from "Where the heart is" about the importance of a name. Work on drafting your own “My Name” writing sample for the rest of the period.
Homework: None