Friday, September 16, 2011

English 10 Friday, September 16

Here's what we did in class today:
Objective: How do we make our narratives more interesting?  How do we "show" vs. "tell?"
1- Looked at a story with NO details. Ask the students what is missing?
2- Looked at examples of "show" vs. "tell."
          example of tell: My boyfriend broke up with me, and I am sad. example of show: My boyfriend      broke up with me and I've cried my eyes out for a week.
3- Looked at two techniques to show rather than tell in our stories. Baby Step and Thought shots- See link below.

4- Wrote a class story by exploding the moment.
5- Read an example of a personal narrative and identified all the techniques we've learned about this year. i.e. simile, metaphor, word choice, controlling idea, show vs. tell
6- Guided Imagery- After the guided imagery, students thought about their own narrative topic and free-wrote for 5 minutes.

Homework: Come to class with your personal narrative topic. Type this even thought it's just one sentence.

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