Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Honors 11- Tuesday, December 13

Objective: Listen to speeches

what we did in class today- Delivered speeches

Homework: None

English 10 Monday, December 12

Objective: Finish the play and discuss the possible themes involved.

What we did in class-
1- Finished the play
2- Did page 6 of the packet together
3- Watched last scene of the film

Homework: Start thinking about text- Get all handouts and packet for the Crucible ready to turn in Wednesday.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Honors 11- Friday, December 9

Objective: Deliver speeches and enjoy our classmates' ideas

Here's what we did today:
The first 11 students presented their speeches to the class.

Homework: None- But if you haven't given your speech yet, be sure to bring your own copy on the day you present.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

English 10 Thursday, December 8

Objective: Read and Discuss Act III of "The Crucible"

Here's what we did in class today:
1- Read ACT III
2- Partner Activity- Page 4 in your packet
3- Watch clips from the film.

Homework: None

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Honors 11 Wednesday, December 7

Objective: Students should be able to identify the main idea of a speech AND recognize effective speech techniques in preparation for writing their own speech...DUE NEXT TIME.

Here's what we did in class today:
1- Signed up for Speech times.
2- Peer Edit with one other student
3- Speech Analysis- Watched 3 speeches from the following website:
Students worked together to identify aspects of the speech they enjoyed.
Students also worked to identify the main idea of the speech AND how that was developed throughout the speech.

Homework: Bring 2 copies of your speech--due next time. Pay attention to rubric while writing your speech. 

Rubric for speech-

_______(7) Length 5-7 minutes
_______(15) Main idea is clear throughout speech
_______(10) Includes stories, examples, analogies etc.
_______(5) Speech is well structured
_______(5) Paid attention to scope
_______(5) Shows confidence
_______(5) Makes frequent eye contact
_______(5) Relates to the audience
________(5) Uses a concession if necessary
________(5) Shows enthusiasm for topic
________(10)Delivery-speaks clearly, allows for pauses, uses inflection, paces well

English 10 Tuesday, December 6

Objective: Better understand ACTs I and II
Here's what we did today:
1- Read ACT II from the text book
2- Completed page 3 from packet--Figurative Language in "The Crucible"
3- Watched the first part of the film.

Homework: None

Monday, December 5, 2011

Honors 11 Monday, December 5

Objective: to feel more confident in writing your speech.
Here's what we did in class today:
1- Study for the vocab quiz (10 minutes)
2- Take Rhetoric Vocabulary Quiz
3- Peer review with outline- Have two other students read your outline and give you advice.
4- Watch the speech "Wo-Haa" and analyze why this speech won nationals!

Homework: Come to class prepared with a draft of your speech. 3 page minimum (double space)

English 10 Friday, December 2

Objective: What was going on in Salem that made the witch-hunt come up over night?

Here's what we did in class today:
1- Read Act 1
2- "Controversy in Salem"- With a partner, complete page 1 of your new packet.

Homework: None

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Honors 11 Thursday, December 1

Objective: Identify effective speech techniques AND Choose a topic for your speech.
What we did in class today:
1-Turned in speech and soapsTONEs and got a grade for it.
2- Reviewed class list of effective techniques used in speeches.
3-Discussed the need to focus on the two aspects of speeches while reading/watching JK Rowling's speech.

  • 1- Writing it
  • 2- Delivering it
4- Speed Dating/Topic Brainstorm- Students quickly shared topic ideas with each other in "speed dating" fashion.

1- Speech Outline- Typed (as always). Your outline should focus on two aspects. 1- Ideas and content. Meaning the order in which you want to present your ideas including examples, stories, ideas. This can be in a list. AND 2- Also identify which techniques you want to include in your speech. Ex- concession, logos, anaphora, connect with audience, etc.

2- Study/Prepare for your vocabulary quiz on Monday. This will not be matching--you will have to write out the definitions of the words. 

Due Dates to be aware of:
Monday, December 5th- Outline due
Wednesday, December 7th- Speech Rough Draft due
Friday, December 9th- Final Speech due to be turned in. 

English 10 Wednesday, November 30

Objective: Understand how the Puritans lived and get to know characters from ACT 1 of "The Crucible"
Here's what we did today:
1- Salem Tea Party- Students took on the role of one character and attended a "tea party" pretending they were that character. They met other characters and got to know what they were like. Then characters broke into groups and made inferences/predictions about the characters.
2- Began reading ACT 1.

Homework: Type one paragraph answering the following question: "Why do you think Salem was ripe for the "Witch Hunt?"