Tuesday, September 3, 2013

American Lit--Tuesday, September 3

Objective: Who were the Puritans? What did they believe?

1-Photo Description-- Puritan Pics Background of the Puritans! Students looked at three photographs and reviewed what they already know about the Puritans. Here is a list they came up with:
  • Conservative
  • Religious--religious fanatics
  • family/traditional values
  • came to America "the New Land" for religious freedoms
  • Salem Witch Trials/Witch Hunts--they were responsible
  • Believe in pre-destination
2- Read and annotate "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" by Jonathan Edwards. You'll have to get this copy from me since I don't have an electronic copy. While we read we looked for powerful images and phrases in the text and what those images do to the mood (feeling) of the poem.

3- Discuss the Puritan Value and beliefs-- Answer the following three questions:
  • How is God potrayed in this sermon? How to the Puritans view God and their relationship with him?
  • What tactics does Jonathan Edward--the preacher--use to motivate the Puritans? FEAR!!!
  • What do the Puritans value? Their relationship with God and others' relationship with God. They tend to judge others for their choices because they all live under the fear of the wrath of God. It makes them feel better that God hates them if they know God hates their neighbor because he didn't go to Church last Sunday.

Homework: Click on the assignment below. This is due at the beginning of class on Thursday

Puritan Research Assignment

Use the following websites to look up your answers:


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