Wednesday, September 26, 2012

English 10--Wednesday, September 26

Objective: What exactly is a personal narrative?

1- Read the first 15 minutes and complete reading strategy.
2- Get into small groups to read "What was i thinking?"--a personal narrative with a specific lesson/message at the end of it. Students must identify the message or main idea.
3- As a class, read "Growing up" and circle/identify any words, phrases, examples of any tools we've learned during this unit.
  • similes
  • metaphors
  • thought shots
  • 5 senses
  • baby steps
  • word choice
4- Reviewed what an outline looks like

Homework: Students must complete an outline for their personal narrative. Due at the beginning of class next time. 

To avoid those awkward 20 minutes of sitting in front of the computer, staring blankly at an empty screen, come prepared with an outline for your personal narrative.
What does an outline look like?
·      It can be bullet points of details you want to include in your story.
·      It can be the order in which you want to present your memory
·      It can include a list of similes, metaphors, descriptive words, that you plan to use in your narrative
·      It must include the lesson that you learned from your experience

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