Thursday, September 18, 2014

American Lit--Thursday, September 18

Objective:  How does fear affect our actions? What is mass hysteria? Why did Arthur Miller write "The Crucible?"

Skill of the day--Students read from their novels for 15 minutes

Activities/Schedule for the day
1- Students completed a free write and then we discussed these as a class--

  • Write about a time when you were so afraid that you did or thought irrationally. 
    • Paranoid
    • We give up our values
    • We believe things we normally wouldn't believe
    • We become selfish and often only think of ourselves
    • We take "Flight" mode
    • sometimes we are so afraid, we hurt others
    • Irrational thoughts and behavior
    • Physically, fear can affect us
    • lose control of our actions temporarily
2- Watched a video clip from the TV series "Scare Tactics." Discussed why and how fear allows us to do things we wouldn't normally do.

3- Presentation on the Salem Witch Trials and how their fear drove them to act irrationally. To view
Salem Witch Hunts/Mass Hysteria

4- Students watched a clip about the Salem Witch Trials

5- Students wrote a paragraph answering the following prompt--this was turned in for a grade:
Mass Hysteria Paragraph

Homework: Finish Mass Hysteria Paragraph if you didn't turn it in during class

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