Tuesday, September 15, 2015

British Lit--Tuesday, Sept 15

Objective: What is an Epic?

1- We read page 2 and discussed the characteristics of an Epic--Students broke into groups and analyzed the movie of their choice (Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars) and found evidence that the ten characteristics were present in these epic films.

2- We watched a clip from the film "Brave" 9:30-14:00. As students watched, they wrote down answers to the following questions: What was important to these people? What did they value? Describe their way of life.

or the following two youtube clips

Discussed Stock Epithets and Kennings--see packet.

Homework: Read pages Beowulf poem and annotate for the following questions: How do the Anglo-Saxons characterize Evil? --> Look for characterization of Grendel/Grendel's mother. How do they characterize Good? --> Look for characterization of Beowulf.

If you were absent, see me for packet as soon as possible so you can read the poem.

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