Wednesday, March 14, 2012

English 10 Wednesday, March 14

Objective: What organizations or people skew our reality or keep us in the dark?

What we did in class:
1. Read first 15 of class- took quiz on pp 3-40 of Fahrenheit 451
2. Reviewed plot and significant characters
3. Watched a clip from "The Truman Show" and discussed how his reality his being skewed by the producers.
4. Listed  organizations in our world who skew our reality. Then groups of 3 chose one group and drew a picture representing this organization. Then on the back of the picture, they answered the following questions:

  • How does this group skew our reality?
  • Why would the group want to do this? What are their motives?
  • Explain an example of this that the class can understand--use examples from your own life or the world, including historical events
  • What might someone do in order to break free from this "skewed reality?"
Homework: Read pp 41-63 and do 5 more sticky notes.  See reading schedule for exact assignment.  You will be quizzed on the reading, so make sure you do it. 

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