Thursday, March 1, 2012

Honors 11 Thursday, March 1

Here's what we did in class today:
We took our last practice ACT reading test. We also went over some tips for the Math/Science portion of the exam.
Students had the opportunity to ask me any final questions about the ACT. Today is our last day preparing.
Good luck on Tuesday!

1- Print off two new sources for your research. You don't have to read/annotate them--you just have to come to class with them. HINT- go to Lone Peak's home page. Under departments, click on Media Center. Next, click on research tools. Use those to help find sources (sweet search, google scholar, etc.) DON'T JUST RANDOMLY PRINT OFF TWO SOURCES--SKIM TOPICS AND SUMMARIES TO FIND ARTICLES THAT RELATE TO YOUR FOCUS QUESTION. 

2- 3rd summary due- Read 20 more pages (making it a total of 60) from your informational text. Write a one page summary- no bullet points- outlining the main ideas. Then write a paragraph explaining how your question has evolved specifically.

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