Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Honors 11 Tuesday, November 8

Objective: What are the effects of masks on humanity?

1. Took quiz on chapters 7 & 8
2. Read and analyzed the poem "We Wear the Masks" by Paul Laurence Dunbar. (Google it)
3. Discussed the significance of Jack and his "painted face" or "mask"
4. Watched a clip from Harry Potter and discussed how the death eaters' masks account for their behavior at the Quid-ditch world cup.
5. Analyzed how the KKK gets power from their masks?
6. Looked at a news clip about face book bullying and discussed how face book can be seen as a modern day mask.
So what are the effects of a mask on humanity? They lose their identity and become part of a group. They lose accountability for their actions.

1. Read chapters 9 & 10 from The Lord of the flies.
2. Write a one page response to the following question using both evidence from the book and from the class discussion concerning masks:

What are the effects of masks on humanity? In what way do the boys' masks lead to what happens in these chapters?

Using both evidence from the book and from the class discussion concerning masks,

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